Solitaire Garden TriPeak Story, Legitimate or scam?
This time we will review Solitaire Garden TriPeak Story , an app to earn money playing games that always comes across as a paying app . The game is nothing new, neither is the promise and the best thing before trusting any of these promises is to try it and draw your own conclusions, that’s why I’m here.
I tested the app for a while and everything you will read here is the result of that experience, I will tell you everything. Also remember that we have nothing to do with any study, so the opinion that you will find here is honest, although you can still try the app for yourself. Anyway, if it’s an application to earn money by playing legit , I’ll tell you, we have no problem sharing. Same if it’s a junk app , I’ll let you know so you don’t waste your time on it.
Besides, regardless of what happens with this app, at the bottom you will have the names of some lists that gather apps that do pay and that are already proven. I invite you to review them and find your favorite, with them you will surely be able to get a good extra income at the end of the month . But hey, let’s talk about Solitaire Garden TriPeak Story and what they have in store for us.
What is Solitaire Garden TriPeak Story?
Well, Solitaire Garden TriPeak Story is a solitaire game just like its name indicates, only it adds the bonus of a monetary reward for our playing time, or that’s what it promises. To tell the truth, the game looks quite generic and the promise is not very different from others of its type, so it is somewhat difficult for me to believe what it says. I have already seen hundreds of apps that promise to be paid apps and in the end they are just junk apps .
This particular app is created by Casual Candy Match , a company that has published other games, all of them are presented as apps to earn money playing games and to tell the truth, they are all just copies of other somewhat popular games. I suppose that the intention of the creator is to steal public from larger apps and with this form a community, although I don’t know how well it could end if he starts lying to his own people.
I personally don’t recommend any app that Casual Candy Match has created because I don’t feel very confident about their games. It is best to look for an app from an established studio, this will give you more information and you will know what to expect. Although you can also leave any name of any app of this type in the comments, I will review it as soon as possible.

Installation and registration in Solitaire Garden TriPeak Story:
The app is quite easy to find even if it doesn’t seem like it, you just have to write its name correctly in the search engine and it will generally appear among the first places in the list of results. Now, if you cannot find it, it may be because it is not compatible with your cell phone, something for which there is no solution.
You will not need any kind of registration or registration to be able to play, so just focus on winning as much as you can and when the time comes, it is supposed to ask you for the mail.

How to play?
It seems that Solitaire Garden TriPeak Story is a slight variation of the solitaire that we always know, or at least that’s what it shows in each of its games. When you enter you have a path, in which there are several levels and it is implied that there are also several gardens in which more levels are unlocked, but the game never changes.
Your objective seems to be to press the cards that you have placed on the board, taking care of an order that is typical of solitaire, although here there are no cards with symbols, only numbers. There are also two decks, one red and one black, and apparently the red one has a higher value, so you should always start with the highest card of that color. The truth is that playing solitaire is not something that I am very good at and if this is added that it changes a bit in this app, well I can tell you that I am a bit lost.
I can only tell you to try it if you want, it might be entertaining for you and at least during the time I was there there wasn’t much publicity. Regarding the reward , I can tell you that you are collecting coins throughout the level, as well as receiving bills , but they never seem to have a real use.

Although it is presented as an application to earn money playing games , the truth is that this is not the case. Within the game we will receive some coins and bills , but they have no use . You also cannot see a withdrawal box, payment method or minimum withdrawal . There is nothing there , except for a box where you can buy things with real money , which to me is a real scam .

Does Solitaire Garden TriPeak Story pay?
Solitaire Garden TriPeak Story is an app that does not pay , this is already clear at least for me. If you want, you can try it and verify that this is the case, although you will only waste your time and I honestly believe that you can spend it on better things. In fact, in this blog there are some apps that do pay and that are already proven, so it’s safe to play with them. The blog is updated often and if any stop paying, we will let you know.
All these legitimate applications that I am talking about are gathered in lists, they are put there to make it easier for you to find them, but each one has an article where you can find more information and get an idea of what each one is about. . Also below you have the link to the most extensive list of all, you just have to press the sign that says “If you want to know apps that do pay …”, there you will find all this.
To access these lists, you just have to enter the menu and from there look for the following names: “25 Best Apps To Earn Money” , “Applications to earn free cryptocurrencies” , “Five applications that help you earn extra money” , “Best applications to earn extra money 2023” and “Applications to earn money online 2023” . Not being more, I only tell you that in the comment box you can leave any doubt or not seeing any app, I will review it as soon as possible.