Jewel Village – Gem Magic, Does It Pay You To Play [Review]

Jewel Village – Gem Magic, Does it pay or is it Scam?

I will tell you about Jewel Village – Gem Magic, an application to earn money playing that aspires to enter the list of apps that do pay. Of course before writing this article the application was checked and at the end I will tell you everything I found, apart from telling you if it really pays or it is just another scam.

This game was last updated on October 24 of this year, from the date of publication nothing can be found and the information available in the description box is minimal. So far it has about 100,000 downloads and to our bad luck we will not be able to see any comments from the community, so we will have to go a little blind.

Remember that at the end of the article you will not only be able to access the opinion about Jewel Village but you can also see the name of several lists that bring together the best of the apps that do pay. Surely among more than 70 applications you will be able to find an application to earn money that is decent and suits your needs.

What is Jewel Village – Gem Magic?

This is another puzzle game in which we will have to arrange the tiles in order to get groups so that the goal of each level can be achieved. It is somewhat similar to the usual puzzle games, in fact I would dare to say that Jewel Village – Gem Magic is the same as any other of this genre, only that the tiles have a different shape.

But well, the important thing is that it really works, since many times we have seen super elaborate hoaxes and applications that innovate and end up being a real scam. The only thing we should care about here is that it is a legitimate application to earn money and that in the end we do not have to leave empty-handed in our searches for apps that do pay.

Apart from this I want to highlight a point that in my opinion is very negative, and is that Jewel Village has integrated purchases, although no one forces you to deposit money, the truth is that they end up manipulating users so that they deposit their money and then do not respond for it.

Installation and registration in Jewel Village – Gem Magic.

It has a somewhat difficult name to remember and the truth is that if you do not look for it correctly then you can get any other app that is not the right one. If this happens to you and you can’t find it then don’t worry, there will be a link below where you can download it if possible.

As always, registration is not required, you just have to start playing and wait for the game to save all your progress correctly.

How to play?

Playing Jewel Village – Gem Magic is as simple as moving certain pieces so that they are arranged in such a way that they create groups and these start to disappear. If it sounds familiar to you, it is because they got the idea (plagiarized) from a very popular game that we are not going to mention today.

Basically all you will have when you enter the game is a board that is full of tiles, these tiles contain different shapes, colors and certainly vary a little in size. Your main objective is to assemble groups that contain more than three tiles, or at least three.

You can do this by moving the different tiles and swapping them left-right or upside down, up or down, but never diagonally as this is a forbidden move. To know which tiles you should move it is best to look very well before making the first move, although often in these games if you get a correct combination you unlock everything and start playing almost automatically.


It seems that the studio created an application to win money in which forgot to place the withdrawal box, but it is yes, the shopping box is unforgettable. As much as I played the withdrawal option was never enabled and well, I wanted to check in some other app that the studio has created, but I noticed that this is the only application available.


It’s just another game that tries to reach the glory of Candy Crush, but without offering you anything in return. You can tell from afar that the application was created solely so that the studio owner could receive income, even if it was by deceiving people and playing with their illusions. Of course, many people will fall into the trap and many others even knowing this information will choose to ignore it and continue with the hope that they found a gold mine. But the truth is that Jewel Village – Gem Magic does not pay, no matter how much it promises you that it is part of the select club of apps that do pay.

And speaking of apps that do pay, I want to invite you to check out some of the lists on the blog. All of them contain tested apps and one of them is updated frequently. To access them just look for the menu, there will be a bar where you can place their names, once you find it look for: “25 Best Apps To Earn Money”, “Apps to earn free cryptocurrencies”, “Five apps that help you earn extra money” and “Apps that do pay”.

I also invite you to check out the blog in general, you will find a lot of articles that have multiple apps reviewed, most of them are the most popular apps. You would be surprised what the creators are willing to do to pass off their apps as real, from buying reviews to investing all that money in advertising. That’s why it’s best that before installing each app you check if it’s on the blog and save yourself a headache. If the app you are looking for is not reviewed yet, then you can put its name in the comments, we will review it as soon as possible.




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