Million Golden Deal – Pay To Play [Review].

Million Golden Deal, Scam or legit?

This time I’m going to tell you about  Million Golden Deal , an application to earn money playing games that is presented as an app that does pay, something that seems unreal. The app does not present us with anything new, so it is better to review it in depth and find out how it is and if we can trust the project.

Stay until the end if you really want to know if it is an app that you pay for or a junk app that you should be careful of, here you can find all the information based on my experience. Remember that we have nothing to do with any study, so we do not promote anyone, we are just users like you looking for some applications to earn money playing. Well, it’s not bad if we find applications to earn money by performing various tasks or answering surveys, the latter is more common to find. I invite you to review the lists so that you know them.

Also, if you read until the end you will be able to find some lists in which there are some apps that do pay, there are applications of all kinds. From applications to earn money by playing, performing micro tasks or answering surveys. The applications also have different payment methods, so you can find one that suits your needs and facilitates the entire process.

What is Million Golden Deal?

I think that with the images of  Million Golden Deal you can get a slight idea of ​​what it is about, although the images can be somewhat confusing and many things are not clarified in their description. The only thing that can be rescued from this game are its graphics, but not its fluidity, which from time to time presents problems. To tell the truth, the game doesn’t make much sense and if it wasn’t for its promise of being an “app to earn money playing games”, I doubt anyone would have it on their cell phone.

Of the little salvageable of the app, are the graphics that do look quite clear and it shows that the creator made a greater effort there. Too bad, since it would certainly be better if the effort was dedicated to creating something meaningful. It seems that VGame Studio (company that created it) always struggles on this point to appear trustworthy. The studio has already published other apps and all of them are promoted as apps to earn money by playing games. They are all just generic games that don’t have a great story behind them, they are there to get an audience and nothing more. 

There is not much more to say, it is the same thing that we have seen over and over again. Hundreds of applications that are created so that the developer fills his pockets with money at the expense of the user’s comfort. They are all presented in a special way, like apps to earn money playing games, and then they end up being other garbage.

Million Golden Deal

Installation and registration in Million Golden Deal:

It is an easy app to find, since it has a unique name that is easy to distinguish. Even if you want, you can also review the name of the study and in this way make sure you get the correct one. If you cannot find it, it may be because it is not compatible with your cell phone, something for which there is no solution.

To enter you must not give any information or external account to be linked, since no registration is necessary. You just have to focus on playing and winning.

Million Golden Deal

 How to play?

As you can see when you enter  Million Golden Deal , you will have a main tab in which there are several options, although I don’t quite understand them. The game is confusing and they never offer instructions, so you have to guess the moves and what to do. Basically, the main thing will be to choose one of the options that are offered to you, among them are those of seeing ads in exchange for rewards and others that allow you to play in exchange for this.

Your objective once you choose the room, is to select a briefcase that will be in the main room. Then you must also select another five briefcases, all of them have a different amount of money. In the end, it seems that you go to a place to negotiate with a bank and see if you take all the money earned or give it up. At least, this is what I understood and I must tell you that even if you don’t play like that, it’s extremely boring and tedious and that detracts from what little positive it has.

The reward will be delivered only at the end of each match. To obtain it you must negotiate and watch ads, above all, watch ads because this is the main source of income for the creator and he is not going to waste any opportunity.

Application to earn money playing - app that does pay


As much as its present advertisements as an app that does pay, the truth is that once you’re inside there isn’t even a withdrawal box. All the money you earn goes into an account, but you can’t access it and it doesn’t let you see any option to request a payment or anything like that. There is also no minimum withdrawal.

Application to earn money playing - app that does pay

Does Million Golden Deal  pay?

I can honestly tell you that  Million Golden Deal  is an app that does not pay, it is not worth having it on your cell phone. The only one who really makes a profit from this is the creator, but the user will never see any rewards on his account. You can spend the whole afternoon playing and win unimaginable figures, in the end it will be useless and you will have to delete the app from your cell phone. The best thing is that you look for another option and earn money really, unless you want to stay with this game because you liked it, but that is up to each person.
Now, you can review our lists, there you will find several options to generate extra income. From applications to earn money by playing, to apps that pay for micro tasks or surveys. All the lists that I am going to tell you about can be found in this blog, they are all verified applications and you can verify them yourself. These lists are constantly updated when new legitimate apps are found. Separate each account with an article in which there is more information about each one and there you can know how to use it and how much money you can earn money. Also below you have the link to the most extensive list of all

You can find the lists in the menu that is found in the three lines that are in the upper right part of the screen, there you will also have a search engine. To access these lists you just have to search for the following names: “25 Best Apps To Earn Money”, “Applications to earn money online 2023”, “Five applications that help you earn extra income”, “Best applications to earn extra money 2023 ” and “Applications to earn free cryptocurrencies”. Not being more, I can only remind you that you have the comment box to write any questions.




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